It’s that time of year again when things are winding down, folks are planning their resolutions for the new year, but it’s just a general waiting period for one year to come to a close and another to officially start.
I’ve just started a new job that I’m looking forward to ramping up on and I have some 2018 resolutions that have already begun. Want to hear them? Well even if you don’t, here’s a few:
- drink less soda at work: Having endless access to fountain Coke and coke cans at work made it super easy to just grab when I needed a fix.
- stick to my allowance budget for clothes: I really must rein it in as I truly have too many things which makes figuring out what to wear that much harder.
- read more: I’ve fallen prey of just rereading books I love. I’d love to have some recommendations thrown my way so go for it in the comments!
marissa webb jacket {similar here and here} // seafarer jeans // adidas sneakers // gucci bag // rolex watch
The post Waiting appeared first on PreppyPanache.